HCC/LNH: Before Saviors of the NET: Human Aquarium!

Arthur Spitzer arspitzer at earthlink.net
Thu Apr 25 20:06:10 PDT 2013

                   Before Saviors of the NET:
                         Human Aquarium!
                        by Arthur Spitzer

Net.hampton, England --

There was a fishbowl next to the TV.  Everyday the fish bowl could feel 
the tragic events, the horror, the misery that came from the TV's 
screen.  Everything about the world seemed wrong.  Seemed broken.

The fish bowl wondered to itself as it soaked in the hopelessness.  What 
could one fishbowl do?

And one day it realized that it would never know what it could do if it 
never tried.  And so one day it tried.

It changed.  Fingers and Toes emerged from the little fishbowl.  Then 
arms.  Then legs.  And a body.  And all it took was one minute.

It was no longer a powerless fishbowl.

It was an aquarium.

A Human Aquarium!

Later than day...

A man with a great big beard (and kind of looked like a certain English 
comic book writer) walked into the home with a big bag of groceries in 
his arms.

"Bloody Hell!  Who stole my bleeding fishbowl?!!!!"


Human Aquarium created by me

Writer's Note:

Okay wrote this for the new challenge.  Hopefully Tom didn't mean by one 
minute to write this in one minute.

Actually had this idea back when Before Watchmen was getting started to 
write a bunch of Before Saviors of the Net with each one ending with 
Alan Moore raging at the world.

But could never think of any ideas for them except for the Human Aquarium.

If anyone else wants to do a Before Saviors of the NET feel free.

Arthur "Still a fishbowl..." Spitzer

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