[Meta/Misc/RACCies/HCC] Need characters! {HC118}

Saxon Brenton saxonbrenton at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 11 20:21:55 PST 2011

Super happy intense silliness is go!
Andrew asked me to repost _Remember To Vote Team-Up #1_ from 2000, 
starring Remember-To-Vote-In-The-RACCies-Or-I'LL-Rip-Your-Arms-Off Man.
However, I'm feeling intensely silly just at the moment.  
Therefore, I will not do this.  
Instead, I will write _Remember To Vote Team-Up #2_!
And since I do not have time to write this *and* write a submission 
for the High Concept Challenge 18, this story will combine both!
But wait, there's more!
_Remember To Vote Team-Up_ is a RACCies imprint!  That means it needs 
two or more established characters (provided by different authors from 
different imprints) to team up!  
(why yes, RACCies posting are continuity free zones.  why do you ask?)
And for this I need your help.  For the next day or so I want people to 
post here to RACC suggesting a character of theirs that I can team up 
to help mitigate a war between the unicorns and the sasquatches, all 
while avoiding the attention of Remember-To-Vote-In-The-RACCies-Or-
I'LL-Rip-Your-Arms-Off Man!
This is time critical, so please answer ASAP.
Saxon Brenton
Hyped up after eating far too much chocolate.  You can tell be all the exclamation marks.

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