SW10/HCC: Character List (HCC #22: Someone Else's Characters)

Phantasm phantom_belcher at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 29 09:43:37 PDT 2011

Here's the list of my characters that I'm donating for ths:

Kara Vichana ("Incan Fever Dream", "Winter Solstice Festival")
Chrissy Rowlan/Velocity (Going Solo #1)
Danette Simpson/Infrared (City Streets #8-10, Going Solo #2)
Stardancer (Going Solo #3)
Michael Jocasta (Blood Ties #1-7, Swamp Patrol #12)
Jade Wong/White Crane (Silver Arrow #1-6)
Shaniqa "Miss Cleo" Patra/Voodoo Queen of New Orleans ("Zombies Don't
Eat Living Flesh")
Gheda ("Zombies Don't Eat Living Flesh")
Fenuku (Going Solo #4)
Theosonovus the Black (Going Solo #4)
Alessandra Cessarini (Going Solo #5)
George Hernandez/Big G (Silver Arrow #2-3)
(Note that Kara and Velocity are not tied to either StarFall

Hugh Knight/Silver Arrow is only available to other StarFall writers
for this.  That includes Robin Strickland, Jamie Rosen, and Wil

Johnny Fearless (Johnny Fearless #1-3, a.outSiders #1-9)
Keyan Gerrig/Lightcycle (a.outSiders #5-9)
Prof. Yoyo Kurawasa (a.outSiders #5)
Stacy Boomer/Skunk Girl
Betty Crockett/Shake-N-Bake Lass (a.outSiders #1-9)
Hooded Ho'od Win III (female net.villain type, or maybe HHW I
undercover as such?)

Twaeila is only available to Rob Rogers.

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