HCC: HCC #22 Proposition: Someone Else's Characters (Re: HCC #21 Voting CLOSED!)

Saxon Brenton saxonbrenton at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 28 12:25:06 PDT 2011

{raises eyebrow}
Well, even under standard circumstances I'd be fine with people using almost any of my characters as long as they didn't bend/fold/spindle/mutilate them.
But with your added caveat that if I don't like the story I can just deem it an alt.reality/elsewhirl/imaginary story and ignore it?  Sure.  No problems.   Open house, guys.
But I've got an aweful lot of characters.  LNH, LNH2, OSD, NTB, 8Fold...  Technically I even have an Omega and three minor characters from ASH.  You want a public list?  
Saxon Brenton

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