RACCIES/LNH/LNHY/NTB: Just Imagine... Saxon Brenton's RACCies on a Plane Filled with Killer Ninja Gorillas! #1

Martin Phipps martinphipps2 at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 17 23:39:56 PST 2007

Just Imagine... Saxon Brenton's RACCies
on a Plane Filled with Killer Ninja Gorillas!  #2
> Dr CJD:  "What?  What are you... Oh, no!  Arrrghhhhrhhghghghh!!!!
> Ahhghghghghghgghghgh!!!!"
> PIM:  "How does that feel?  Killer Ninja Gorillas stabbing you to death?
>   Does that...  Hmm.  Maybe I should stop asking questions and get the
> hell...  No!  Aaaarrrrrghghghghghgh!!!!!  Please!!!
> Ahhghghghghghgghghgh!!!!"

A few rows back, one of the passengers looked up from his newspaper to
see what was going on.  He nudged his wife.  "Mary?" he asked.

Mary woke up from her deep sleep and managed to reply with a "Hmm?"

"Two of the passengers have just been killed.  Shouldn't we

Mary looked down the aisle to see the two bodies.  "Edward, we're on
vacation.  It's our honeymoon.  I don't think we should get involved.
Besides, one of the victims is a dog.  We don't handle cases involving

Just then, man sitting behind them leaned forward to ask them a
question.  "Excuse me, I'm sorry, but did you just say an animal has
been killed on this plane?"

"Yeah," Mary said, "a dog was just killed by Killer Ninja Gorillas."

The man stood up defiantly.  "Then this is a job for Deuce Cordova:
Animal CSI!"  He went over to examine the scene.

"Good luck with your investigation," Mary said and then went back to
sleep.  Edward went back to reading his newspaper: his wife didn't want
to get involved in the case and he knew not to argue with her.


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