LNH: Legion of Net.Heroes Volume II #16

Tom Russell milos_parker at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 6 07:19:17 PDT 2006

I already gave Martin some comments on this story when I was convincing
him to attach my back-up-- but I just wanted to say that this is really
an excellent use of WikiBoy.  Everyone that's used him so far, from
Arthur to Jesse to Martin, has done a really good job of it.

I especially like the first scene, in which he's editted somewhat
maliciously, but the scene with the speed dating, where WikiBoy says--

>   "What's your name?" a woman asked.
>   "What do you want my name to be?" Wikiboy asked.
>   "Excuse me?"
>   "I mean if you decide my name is Bob then that's my
> name."
>   "What?"

-- that's really, really cute and romantic, in a creepy sort of way.


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