Russ Allbery rra at stanford.edu
Mon Apr 18 17:14:15 PDT 2005

Russ Allbery <rra at stanford.edu> writes:

> An exact value at the time that the command is issued that may have
> changed a second later doesn't strike me as much more useful than an
> estimated value.  Anyway, no, we can't change this and stay within the
> charter of the working group (even putting aside the question of whether
> it's a feasible change to expect software to do).

To which I should probably also add that adding the range parameter to
LISTGROUP is *also* stepping outside the charter of the group.  It's in a
way that I think is minor, and it seems so obviously useful and trivial to
implement that I'm giving it a shot, but taking off my proposer hat and
putting on my chair hat, that means that if consensus doesn't gell around
it right quick, I'm going to declare it out of scope and move on.

Basically, that means unless everyone loves the idea by the time we
finalize the i18n language, it's out.

Russ Allbery (rra at stanford.edu)             <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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