Andrew - Supernews andrew at supernews.net
Thu Nov 4 12:00:21 PST 2004

>>>>> "Ken" == Ken Murchison <ken at oceana.com> writes:

 Ken> The only case which isn't addressed is a reader-only server,
 Ken> which really only effects IHAVE and I think returning a 503
 Ken> solves this.  I'm guessing most reading clients wouldn't bother
 Ken> with IHAVE anyways.

It might be possible to make a case that IHAVE should really be an

Traditionally, reader-only servers have responded with 480 to IHAVE,
though that's slightly misleading since no possible authentication
could make the command available. We return 502 at the moment. It's
mostly a non-issue precisely because reader clients don't use it.

Andrew, Supernews

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