[NNTP] [2501] Reader commands in transit servers and vice-versa

Richard Clayton richard at highwayman.com
Thu Dec 2 03:20:26 PST 2004

Hash: SHA1

In message <20041202103818.GA59879 at finch-staff-1.thus.net>, Clive D.W.
Feather <clive at demon.net> writes

>    The specific description of each command will describe it as a
>    "transit command", a "reader command", or a "general command". An
>    NNTP server may be "transit-only", "reader-only", or "general-use".
>    * A general-use server MUST fully implement all the commands in this
>      specification.

>    * A reader-only server MUST fully implement all reader commands,
>      but does not need to implement transit commands.

Calling it "reader only" when you'd expect POST to work (so that end-
users with normal sorts of existing software can expect to interoperate
with it usefully) is rather obscure :(

Surely you can't mean for people to have lots of "general-use" systems
since who would wish to implement all of the gubbins around IHAVE (and
other transit type chatter) just so they can provide POST

ie: the categories need to be something like "transit", "customer" and
"general-use", with appropriate command categorisation following from

- -- 
richard                                              Richard Clayton

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.         Benjamin Franklin

Version: PGPsdk version 1.7.1


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