ietf-nntp Backfill

Clive D.W. Feather Clive at
Sat Dec 14 16:09:13 PST 1996

Jon Ribbens <jon at> writes
>I am looking at INN 1.4 for this reply.

Okay. However, bear in mind that my original message was to address the
general issue.

>> [Q1] When a group becomes the current group, is the set of articles made
>> available to the client fixed at that moment ?
>Yes and no. The list of article numbers available is fixed at the
>moment you execute 'group'.
>> [Q2] When will new articles become available and expired/cancelled ones
>> become unavailable ? Is it:
>New ones will become available and deleted ones will become unavailable
>immediately. However 'NEXT' will not attempt to show deleted articles,
>and it will not attempt to show newly-arrived articles. This seems
>reasonable to me.

So you are saying that NEXT from article 1200 might give article 1234,
even though there is an article 1212 ?

Hmm. I would never have thought of that as being a behaviour permitted
by RFC 977. But I can see where it comes from.

>> [Q5] Can an article appear with a number between the previous limits,
>> such as 1250 ?

Someone said at the BOF that this *does* happen with INN.

>> There are three common scenarios posited for NNTP clients and servers. I
>> call these "monotonic", "backfilling", and "wind-back". They answer the
>> first three questions:

"wind", as in winding a crank.

>> Servers appear to exist of all three kinds,
>Is there more than one site in existance which uses backfilling?

I don't know.

>> A sensible client needs to allow for the user wanting to mark articles
>> as unread. Therefore it must be able to cope with the backfilling
>> strategy, by (for example) maintaining a list of ranges.
>No. An unread article and an unavailable article are not the same

Any mechanism for passing the concept "article 1234 is unread" between
session can equally cope with passing the concept "article 1234 hasn't
appeared yet". That's what I meant.

>> Given this, there seems little reason to require that servers be
>> monotonic.
>Given that almost every news client in existance requires that
>servers be monotonic, I would suggest that it would be a very
>good idea for the new NNTP specification to require it too.

Yet several people at the BOF thought that backfilling was reasonable.

>> On the other hand, there are advantages to the answer to Q4 being "no".
>> If it is, then it is possible to forget everything about articles with
>> numbers below the current minimum.
>There are 'advantages'!? Surely you mean 'it is essential that the
>answer to Q4 be "no"'? Otherwise, due to the occasionaly cancelled
>article and so on interrupting the numbering range, the news client
>must maintain a list of ranges which grows without bound.

Bear in mind that one long-lived low-numbered article can have the same

>Not only this, but on every connection it must explicitly check
>for every article not found before, in order to produce a valid
>display of available articles.

No, because a walk using NEXT will show what is and isn't there.

>newsreader *must* have some mechanism of saying "well, this
>article is never going to turn up now, I don't need to worry
>about it any more".

I agree that it's highly desirable. But since the RFC currently says
nothing about article number behaviour, the question needs raising.

>Backfilling is not necessary, no widely used servers do it,

Not what was said at the BOF.

>It is a Bad Thing. RFC 977 did not allow it,

Where doesn't it allow it ? What wording forbids it ?

>It should be possible to fetch news without
>recourse to heuristics.


Clive D.W. Feather    | Associate Director  | Director
Tel: +44 181 371 1138 | Demon Internet Ltd. | CityScape Internet Services Ltd.
Fax: +44 181 371 1150 | <clive at>   | <cdwf at>
Written on my laptop - please reply to the Reply-To address <clive at>

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